Quantum Intelligence Corp, offers the complete solution for the early stage drug development utilizing advanced AI technology and neural network models. Our platform, QUEST, explores vast conformational space of millions of compounds from chemical libraries, compares their quantum structures and properties. We also suggest the most druggable candidates that can lead to further experimental confirmation. These tasks are formidable with manpower but only possible with AI.
Quantum Dock
Quantum Dock performs lead identification on our new drug development platform, 'QUEST'. Our own algorithm applies quantum mechanics to ligand docking problems and calculate not only the atomic coordinates but also the electron distribution in nanoscale. Our docking algorithm can predict binding affinities with single nanomolar level, the highest level of accuracy in the industry. To achieve such accuracy, Quantum Dock detects a fine level of electron distribution and conformation using a GPU cluster and Artificial Intelligence.
Chemical Structure Alignment
The chemical structure alignment is the first crucial step for the quantitatively accurate prediction of chemical properties with machine learning or any other AI technique. QUEST aligns a set of molecules and determines the best location and orientation maximizing the overlap in electronic structures. By grasping the difference in the electronic distribution of each compound, our descriptor generates N-dimensional vectors and predicts diverse drug properties through deep learning. (binding affinity, ADME/Tox, BBB, cardiotoxicity, CYP induction, p-glycoprotein, etc.)
Permeability & Solubility Prediction
Peptide drugs often have trouble in absorption because of their sizes. Our QUEST platform, which is pre-trained with PAMPA experiment data, can recommend the best substitute for a given sequence that maximizes its permeability into a cell. (over 2000 compounds)
Super-Natural & 30,000 UAAs Library
Super-Natural is our unique technology to solve the problems in developing new peptide drugs: membrane permeability and binding affinity. We use a strategy to generate diverse unnatural amino acid (UAA) libraries by focusing on structures that are expected to have biological activity. We can apply over “30K” UAAs for optimization.